FEBRUARY 03, FEBRUARY Blessed Peter Cambiani of Ruffia At Turin, Italy, Blessed Peter of Ruffia, friar and priest of the Order of Preachers. Martyr. Blessed Peter Cambiani was born at Ruffia, in Piedmont, Italy, around 1320. He entered the Order at an early age and was known for his personal austerity, his sound doctrine and his spirit of self-denial. He was appointed Inquisitor General of Piedmont in 1351 to deal with the Waldensians and was brought many of them back to the faith. He suffered martyrdom at Susa on February 2, 1365. Pope Pius IX, elevated him to the honors of the altar in 1856. On the same day 03, FEBRUARY Blessed Anthony of Pavoni At Brichierazo near the Alps, Blessed Anthony Pavoni, friar and priest of the Order of Preachers. Martyr Blessed Anthony was born at Savigliano, Italy about 1326 and entered the Order in his native city at an early age and was distinguished for his zeal and spirit of joyful self sacrifice. Upon the martyrdom of Blessed Peter of Ruffia, Antho...