LITURGICAL CALENDAR FOR THE MONTH OF JULY JULY 04, JULY Blessed Catherine Jarrige At Mauriac, France, Blessed Catherine Jarrige, lay person and virgin of the Order of Preachers. Blessed Catherine was born in 1754 and spent most of her life near her birthplace in Mauriac, France. The youngest of seven children, she was an embroiderer by profession. At the age of twenty-two Catherine became a Dominican Tertiary. When Catherine was thirty-two the French Revolution erupted in France. During the Revolution (1789-1799), Catherine shared persecutions, trials and imprisonment with many priests who did not adhere to the Civil Constitution of the Clergy. In Mauriac, Catherine found refuge and food for priests, and the bread and wine necessary for the celebration of Mass. At night she would hide the priests in the woods of the Auze Valley and accompany them to the families who needed the administration of the sacraments. When the revolution was over, Catherine continued her w...