Today is the liturgical feastday of the BVM Our Lady of China which we celebrate during the conventual mass as it was the custom of the Diocese of Macau; though in Taiwan and in the mainland well as Hong Kong, it is celebrated on the Saturday prior to Mother's day (Second week of May). With the recent imposition of the Feast of Maria Auxilium Christianorum as a day of prayer for the Church in China, this memory seem to have been overshadowed by the latter.
Today is the liturgical feastday of the BVM Our Lady of China which we celebrate during the conventual mass as it was the custom of the Diocese of Macau; though in Taiwan and in the mainland well as Hong Kong, it is celebrated on the Saturday prior to Mother's day (Second week of May). With the recent imposition of the Feast of Maria Auxilium Christianorum as a day of prayer for the Church in China, this memory seem to have been overshadowed by the latter.
According to popular tradition, during the height of the Boxer rebellion in northern China, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared in Donglu, Hebei province. The mother of Christ appeared to the Christians as protector and consoler, defender for helpless and the righteous. During the historic Council of Shanghai in 1924, the Apostolic Nuncio Celso Constantini led all the Bishops of China to make a collegial act of consecration of China to the Blessed Virgin Mary. This consecration was to be repeated yearly on the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. In 1941, Pope Pius XII approved the Marian title of “Queen of China”. With the liturgical reforms after the Council, the Chinese Bishops’ Conference (Taiwan), the feast was transferred on the Saturday before the Second Sunday of May with the title “Our Lady of China”; while the Diocese of Macau chose that the feast be celebrated on New Year’s Day. Through the years, this Marian title has grown more significant with China begins to take center stage in the global world and international economy. From an ecclesial perspective,
it is also the most populous country where the Gospel needs to be preached and religious freedom be assured. With
Mary’s intercession, may China become a beacon of light and hope for the world where family is valued, life is protected and rights be defended.
Note on the image: An officially-sanctioned image of Our Lady of
China---the seated Virgin and the child Jesus seated in a throne and wearing a crown and ornate imperial Manchu gowns--- was blessed and by Pope Pius XI in 1928. This image had become identified with the apparitions of Donglu.
China---the seated Virgin and the child Jesus seated in a throne and wearing a crown and ornate imperial Manchu gowns--- was blessed and by Pope Pius XI in 1928. This image had become identified with the apparitions of Donglu.
In recent years, various artists had represented the Virgin in Chinese garb and had become popular among Christian communities.
Mass Proper
Blessed Virgin Mary, our Lady of China
(Diocese of Macau: Spring Festival; Diocese of Hong Kong and the rest of the GCA: Saturday prior to Second Sunday of May)
Blessed Virgin Mary, our Lady of China
(Diocese of Macau: Spring Festival; Diocese of Hong Kong and the rest of the GCA: Saturday prior to Second Sunday of May)
Entrance Antiphon
Mary became the mother of the eternal king, she maintained the glory of her virginity and was worthy of the joy of motherhood.(P.T.: Alleluia)
All powerful and eternal God, You chose Mary as the mother of your
Son, and our mother. Grant we beseech You, that by her prayers, You may bless the billions of Chinese people with peace and prosperity, so that the whole Chinese nation would know, love and serve you. We ask this through Christ our Lord your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen.
Mary became the mother of the eternal king, she maintained the glory of her virginity and was worthy of the joy of motherhood.(P.T.: Alleluia)
All powerful and eternal God, You chose Mary as the mother of your
Son, and our mother. Grant we beseech You, that by her prayers, You may bless the billions of Chinese people with peace and prosperity, so that the whole Chinese nation would know, love and serve you. We ask this through Christ our Lord your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen.
Alleluia antiphon
Mary, you are the glory of the Church, the pride of your people; you have brought us
Mary, you are the glory of the Church, the pride of your people; you have brought us
Prayer over the gifts Merciful Father, receive the
gifts which we offer on your altar today, in union with our nation, our families, our lives and properties, our work, our joys and pains; Through this sacrifice, may we follow Mary’s example, to find joy in making sacrifice and to offer everything for you. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
gifts which we offer on your altar today, in union with our nation, our families, our lives and properties, our work, our joys and pains; Through this sacrifice, may we follow Mary’s example, to find joy in making sacrifice and to offer everything for you. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Post communion
Lord, we have received the sacred body of Your Son on this feast; through the intercession of Mary, our Lady of China, protect our nation so that we may follow the example of Mary’s virtue and faithfully love and serve you. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Solemn Blessing for the Beginning of the New Year
Bow your heads and pray for God’s blessing.
P. Every good gift comes from the Father of light.
On this first day of the Lunar Calendar, may He grant you his grace and every blessing
and keep you safe throughout the coming year. R. Amen.
P. Every good gift comes from the Father of light.
On this first day of the Lunar Calendar, may He grant you his grace and every blessing
and keep you safe throughout the coming year. R. Amen.
P. May He grant you unwavering faith, constant hope, and love that endures forever, letting the light of His mercy and salvation and mercy shine upon those who are still in the shadow of death.
R. Amen.
R. Amen.
P. May He order Your days and work in His peace, hear your every prayer, and lead you to everlasting life and joy all the days of your life. R. Amen.
P. May almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. R. Amen.
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