supplement for the commemoration of the holy name

January 3
The Second Reading:
From the treatise of Saint Thomas Aquinas «On the Humanity of Jesus Christ our Lord».
This name Jesus is of great and varied power.
And he was called Jesus. It must be noted that the names of individuals are always bestowed because of a certain fittingness in the person on whom the name is bestowed. This is done either because of the time – as the names of saints are often bestowed on those who are born on their feast days – or because of a relationship, or because of some other characteristic. However, the names that are divinely bestowed always signify some gratuitous gift divinely given to those on whom the names are imposed. So it was said to Abraham: You shall be called Abraham for I have made you the ancestor of many nations. And it was said to Peter: You are Peter and on this rock I will build my church. Therefore, because of the man Christ, the gift of grace was bestowed that through him all might be saved, his name is fittingly called Jesus that is, “Savior.”
Truly it must be said that this name Jesus is of great and varied power. For it is a refuge for the penitent, a remedy for the sick, a strength for those struggling, a support for those praying, because it confers pardon for sin, the grace of health, victory to those tempted, the power and confidence to obtain salvation.
Concerning the first point it is said: I write to you, little children, because your sins are forgiven on account of his name. All the prophets testify about him. Augustine says: “What is Jesus if not a “savior?” Therefore, because you are a savior be Jesus to me! I am unwilling, Lord, I am unwilling to pay such attention to my wickedness that I should forget your goodness.” But it must be notes that this name is imposed by circumcision which signifies that those spiritually circumcised are saved. Hence Bernard says: “It is clear, (brothers,) that we must be circumcised to receive the name that saves; to be circumcised clearly not according to the letter but in spirit and truth.”
Concerning the second point it is said: Your name is oil poured out. Since oil alleviates sorrow, so also does the name of Jesus. Hence Bernard says: “My soul, you have a hidden source of healing from the vessel of that name, which is Jesus, which is never found inefficacious for any disease.” Again Peter of Ravenna says: “This is the name that gave sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, movement to the crippled, speech to the mute, life to the dead.”
Concerning the third point it is said: The name of the Lord is the strongest tower. And, in my name they will cast out demons. Again, the disciples returned with joy saying, “Lord, in your name even the demons were subject to us!” Hence Peter of Ravenna says: “The power of this name, Jesus, put to flight all the power of the devil over bodies that were obsessed.”
Concerning the fourth point it is said: If you ask anything of the Fasther in the name, it will be given to you. Hence Augustine says: “In my name, that is, the name of Christ Jesus. Christ signifies king, Jesus signifies savior. Whatever we ask through this name, we ask in the name of the Savior. Nevertheless he himself is savior not only when he does what we ask, but also when he does not do it. For when he sees what is asked for is contrary to salvation, but not doing it he shows himself the Savior. The physician knows whether what the sick person requests is good for health or not. Therefore the physician may go against to bring about the health of the sick person.”
Note the statement of Bernard about the circumcision of Christ and the bestowal of his name: “ This is a great and marvelous sacrament: the boy is circumcised and named Jesus. What does this connection of events signify? That we should acknowledge the mediator between God and the human race who from his human birth joined humanity with divinity, indeed with the highest divine things. He was born of a woman, but a woman in whom the fruit of fecundity was fulfilled that she did not lose the flower of virginity. He was wrapped in swaddling clothes, but these swaddling clothes were honored by angelic praises. He was hidden in a manger, but was revealed by a star shining from heaven.” If the circumcision proved the truth of the human nature he assumed, the name which is above every other name showed the glory of his majesty.
Responsory Ps 5:11; Ps 89: 15-16
R/: All who take refuge in you rejoice, Lord, and forever sing in joy. You shelter them and in you they exult, *those who love your name.
V/: Lord, they walk in the light of your countenance; they exult your name all day long.
R/: Those who love your name.
Alternative Second Reading
From a letter of Blessed Henry Suso «On the devotion to the Divine Name of Jesus».
Place me as a seal upon your heart.
The almighty and eternal God makes a request of the pure soul: “Place me as a seal upon your heart.” Hence the sincere lover of God should always hold in check from the mouth of the soul certain harmful images or ideas. AS a result the heart of the lover is inflamed and roused with love for God.
If in this life the highest perfection is to be continually mindful of God, to long for God in our heart, to speak frequently of God, to fix God’s words firmly in our mind, to act or refrain from acting because of God, then we should contemplate God alone and focus all our attention upon God. Let our eyes gaze lovingly upon God, our ears listen to the exhortations of God, let us be reconciled through prayer. When God tries us, let us bear it calmly. When God hides from us, let us search and never stop until we have found God. When we have found God, let us reverently hold fast to God.
Whether we are on the move or at rest, whether we are drinking or eating, that mark of the most glorious name of Jesus should be inscribed upon our hearts. When we have the strength to fulfill no other task, at least let us fix him upon our hearts with our eyes.
This, indeed, is the best spiritual exercises of all, for continuous prayer is considered the crown of all spiritual exercises. Everything else is directed towards it as its goal. What other activity, I ask, is there in heaven other than contemplating, loving and praising God?
Therefore, the more lovingly we impress on our hearts the Lord our God, that eternal Wisdom, the more often we contemplate and cling to God with the arm of our hearts, and the more lovingly are we embraced by God in this life and in our future life.
Responsory Ps 52:9; Ps 106:47
R/: Lord, I will proclaim that your name is good, * in the presence of the faithful.
V/: That we may give thanks to your holy name and glory in your praise.
R/: In the presence of the faithful.
Concluding Prayer
O God, you made your only begotten Son the Savior of the human race and commanded that he be called Jesus. Graciously grant that we may enjoy in heaven the vision of him whose name we venerate on earth. (We make our prayer) through Christ our Lord.
The Second Reading:
From the treatise of Saint Thomas Aquinas «On the Humanity of Jesus Christ our Lord».
This name Jesus is of great and varied power.
And he was called Jesus. It must be noted that the names of individuals are always bestowed because of a certain fittingness in the person on whom the name is bestowed. This is done either because of the time – as the names of saints are often bestowed on those who are born on their feast days – or because of a relationship, or because of some other characteristic. However, the names that are divinely bestowed always signify some gratuitous gift divinely given to those on whom the names are imposed. So it was said to Abraham: You shall be called Abraham for I have made you the ancestor of many nations. And it was said to Peter: You are Peter and on this rock I will build my church. Therefore, because of the man Christ, the gift of grace was bestowed that through him all might be saved, his name is fittingly called Jesus that is, “Savior.”
Truly it must be said that this name Jesus is of great and varied power. For it is a refuge for the penitent, a remedy for the sick, a strength for those struggling, a support for those praying, because it confers pardon for sin, the grace of health, victory to those tempted, the power and confidence to obtain salvation.
Concerning the first point it is said: I write to you, little children, because your sins are forgiven on account of his name. All the prophets testify about him. Augustine says: “What is Jesus if not a “savior?” Therefore, because you are a savior be Jesus to me! I am unwilling, Lord, I am unwilling to pay such attention to my wickedness that I should forget your goodness.” But it must be notes that this name is imposed by circumcision which signifies that those spiritually circumcised are saved. Hence Bernard says: “It is clear, (brothers,) that we must be circumcised to receive the name that saves; to be circumcised clearly not according to the letter but in spirit and truth.”
Concerning the second point it is said: Your name is oil poured out. Since oil alleviates sorrow, so also does the name of Jesus. Hence Bernard says: “My soul, you have a hidden source of healing from the vessel of that name, which is Jesus, which is never found inefficacious for any disease.” Again Peter of Ravenna says: “This is the name that gave sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, movement to the crippled, speech to the mute, life to the dead.”
Concerning the third point it is said: The name of the Lord is the strongest tower. And, in my name they will cast out demons. Again, the disciples returned with joy saying, “Lord, in your name even the demons were subject to us!” Hence Peter of Ravenna says: “The power of this name, Jesus, put to flight all the power of the devil over bodies that were obsessed.”
Concerning the fourth point it is said: If you ask anything of the Fasther in the name, it will be given to you. Hence Augustine says: “In my name, that is, the name of Christ Jesus. Christ signifies king, Jesus signifies savior. Whatever we ask through this name, we ask in the name of the Savior. Nevertheless he himself is savior not only when he does what we ask, but also when he does not do it. For when he sees what is asked for is contrary to salvation, but not doing it he shows himself the Savior. The physician knows whether what the sick person requests is good for health or not. Therefore the physician may go against to bring about the health of the sick person.”
Note the statement of Bernard about the circumcision of Christ and the bestowal of his name: “ This is a great and marvelous sacrament: the boy is circumcised and named Jesus. What does this connection of events signify? That we should acknowledge the mediator between God and the human race who from his human birth joined humanity with divinity, indeed with the highest divine things. He was born of a woman, but a woman in whom the fruit of fecundity was fulfilled that she did not lose the flower of virginity. He was wrapped in swaddling clothes, but these swaddling clothes were honored by angelic praises. He was hidden in a manger, but was revealed by a star shining from heaven.” If the circumcision proved the truth of the human nature he assumed, the name which is above every other name showed the glory of his majesty.
Responsory Ps 5:11; Ps 89: 15-16
R/: All who take refuge in you rejoice, Lord, and forever sing in joy. You shelter them and in you they exult, *those who love your name.
V/: Lord, they walk in the light of your countenance; they exult your name all day long.
R/: Those who love your name.
Alternative Second Reading
From a letter of Blessed Henry Suso «On the devotion to the Divine Name of Jesus».
Place me as a seal upon your heart.
The almighty and eternal God makes a request of the pure soul: “Place me as a seal upon your heart.” Hence the sincere lover of God should always hold in check from the mouth of the soul certain harmful images or ideas. AS a result the heart of the lover is inflamed and roused with love for God.
If in this life the highest perfection is to be continually mindful of God, to long for God in our heart, to speak frequently of God, to fix God’s words firmly in our mind, to act or refrain from acting because of God, then we should contemplate God alone and focus all our attention upon God. Let our eyes gaze lovingly upon God, our ears listen to the exhortations of God, let us be reconciled through prayer. When God tries us, let us bear it calmly. When God hides from us, let us search and never stop until we have found God. When we have found God, let us reverently hold fast to God.
Whether we are on the move or at rest, whether we are drinking or eating, that mark of the most glorious name of Jesus should be inscribed upon our hearts. When we have the strength to fulfill no other task, at least let us fix him upon our hearts with our eyes.
This, indeed, is the best spiritual exercises of all, for continuous prayer is considered the crown of all spiritual exercises. Everything else is directed towards it as its goal. What other activity, I ask, is there in heaven other than contemplating, loving and praising God?
Therefore, the more lovingly we impress on our hearts the Lord our God, that eternal Wisdom, the more often we contemplate and cling to God with the arm of our hearts, and the more lovingly are we embraced by God in this life and in our future life.
Responsory Ps 52:9; Ps 106:47
R/: Lord, I will proclaim that your name is good, * in the presence of the faithful.
V/: That we may give thanks to your holy name and glory in your praise.
R/: In the presence of the faithful.
Concluding Prayer
O God, you made your only begotten Son the Savior of the human race and commanded that he be called Jesus. Graciously grant that we may enjoy in heaven the vision of him whose name we venerate on earth. (We make our prayer) through Christ our Lord.
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