office of reading for the memory of St. Francis Coll 19 May

19 May


Friar and Founder


The Second Reading

A reading from a letter of Father Francis Enrich, priest to the Vicar General of the Order of Preachers
(SRC Sec. Hist. Vic. Beat. Et Can. Fr. Coll, Disqusitio, Vaticano 1966, p. 160-170).
His total simplicity was characteristic of him

Father Francis Coll had passed to a better life; he had gone to eternal rest at eight thirty in the morning of the same day of 2 April of the present year of 1875”. This formulary of Christian piety is pure truth for those who knew this good servant of the Lord. His was a perfect life adorned with zeal, whether radiantly in the pulpit or hidden in the confessional, he was always tireless for almost thirty years in which many times on his feet he travelled throughout Catalunya doing mission and which made his name popular and venerated.

Humble at birth and not the least by election, one sees in him that he is not preoccupied by the applause and his thunderous voice as though the Gospel trumpet always resounding in the rural churches and in the basilicas was not with sublime eloquence or wisdom (1 Co 2:1) but with a total simplicity so characteristic of him. The most holy rosary, of which we could equate to say, the praises of Mary, was his source of fathomless theme. The fruit of his copious harvest is expressed by the Illustrious Monsignor Anthony Mary Claret in words which we would not believe if it would come from another. Bishop Claret said: "With Father Coll beside me, he can find something to thresh, but myself beside him, I can find nothing to thresh". Those who know these two heroes cannot comprehend this emulation of zeal and of humility.

A man so agreeable to God must be tested in temptation, in the lingering infirmity which he underwent for more than five years.  On 2 December 1869, he immediately suffered the wound of blindness and was threatened with paralysis.  He continued to preach a novena, though left blind, he still wanted to finish it.  All remedies of medicine did little to restore his eyesight. He could not read anymore, yet continued to preach and by April of 1870 he could only celebrate (the mass) with the help of another priest.  He repeatedly felt the attacks of paralysis which permitted him to renew his self- sacrifice in each of his faculties.  Nevertheless the most sensible sacrifices seem to be three.

From the first appearance of sickness, he began to be deprived of continuing his joy of apostolic ministry. The second, on 6 February, 1872 when completely deprived of eyesight and his agility getting worse, his piety had to sacrifice its delights for he could not already celebrate the mass. The third was on 20 January, 1873 when his intellectual faculties began to falter, and which he was able to be conscious of it in later intervals of lucidity. But even in this situation, did not stop him to be an example for his devotion to the rosary, though was true that he seemed to be lost during the intervals of lucidity, he was always found disposed to carry the rosary on his hand or reciting it especially when accompanied by others. Thus progressively he reached his end and peacefully expired.  The populace, when they got to know the news of the death of Father Coll, remembered his life and travelled to Church of the Dominican tertiaries which he had founded and surrounded his coffin with clear manifestations of veneration.  The reverend kiss of his hands, the touching of his remains with rosaries and medals and even the pious robbing of pieces of his habit would proclaim more clearly the praises and the laments for its loss.

Today we see what survived, and surviving with glory in his masterpiece, the congregation of the Incarnation of the Son of God, of the sisters of the Third Order of Penance of St. Dominic which he had founded in August of 1856.

During his mission work, he realized the great benefit of teaching children and the good example of works of charity would result. He thus believed opportune to use the self- offering of some young women and including some persons of certain age who are filled with good will and with more or less the capacity to teach. However, in the first conception of the project, it can be seen that he was a man filled with faith and of confidence in the good God as it was Father Coll. In less than nineteen years, the Congregation was invited, obliged to do so in the manner of saying, to accept fifty houses in the midst of contradictions and of diverse political and religious events and if the local and economic circumstances would have permitted, to increase the number of personnel there would have been more foundations.

RESPONSORY                                                                                           Jn 1:14; Ba 3:38
R.: The word became flesh and lived among us. *We have contemplated his glory; the glory that is proper of the only son of the Father; filled with grace and of truth. Alleluia.
V.: It appeared in the world and lived among men. *And we have contemplated. 

From the Rule or Way of Life of the Sisters by Saint Francis Coll, priest.
(Escritos, Valencia 6 (1956), pp. 159-161, 288)
In what does true perfection consist of

Perhaps you shall tell me what does true perfection consists of? I shall tell you this: it consists of knowing the goodness, the power and the infinite greatness of God our Lord and the misery, lowliness and our nature's propensity towards evil; it is in loving God in the midst of tempests, of temptations, of dryness , infirmities , persecutions and other contrary ideals; it is in hating ourselves in a holy manner and to subject ourselves only in our superiors, recognizing in them the person representing God in everything, but also in all the brothers and creatures through the love of God; in entirely renouncing our own will and in doing that of God only in favorable things but also in contrary (things); and most of all, to do all things solely for the honor and glory of God without any other intention whatsoever and in order to please him and because His divine majesty wants it and is worthy of being loved and served by His creatures.

It is this which consist true perfection which is the law of love which the Holy Spirit had engraved in the hearts of the just (Rm 5:5; 2:15)this is the abnegation of oneself and the crucifixion of the interior man, so much recommended by Jesus Christ in the holy Gospel (Lk 9:23), this is the yoke that is sweet and burden that is light (Mt 11:31)This is the perfection which our divine Master Jesus Christ had counseled us always with his words and with his examples.  Christ certainly began to teach the path of heaven with works and afterwards with words (Acts 1:1)

But I warn you of what you aspire, with desire not only towards holiness but to the perfection of holiness; this is what is necessary for you to combat all the vicious inclinations, to subject the senses to reason and to uproot the vices beginning with the most violent and the most dominant; and this is not possible without an untiring and continuous application and with a prompt and determined spirit to begin this battle because the crown is not bestowed except to those who had generously fought for it (1Pt 5:4).

I also warn you that since this battle is the most difficult of all, thus in fighting against ourselves we become our own enemies; thus we shall reach victory through the grace of God. And we shall be pleasing to God our Lord if we afflict and maltreat our body with the harshest of cilices, discipline and if we fast with the greatest austerities and rigor like those of the ancient anchorites of the desert, if they could keep alive within their hearts some of their passions.

Perhaps you shall say that we have great fear not being able to reach this perfection. You should be so fearful; you already know that with the grace of God our Lord who does not deny anyone who asks it with the needed conditions, for anything is possible (Phil 4:13) observe with every possible perfection your vows of poverty, obedience and chastity for these are the principal means which religion possess in order to reach perfection.  They are truly means which are proper are these, because in order to reach perfection it is necessary to depart from oneself  the things which impede the heart to use all (in its power) to love God our Lord in which perfection consists of (Rm 13:10). 

I charge you in a special manner that you profess a cordial devotion to Mary most holy. Yes, yes, love Mary because she loves all those who love her and those who are solicitous in seeking her shall find her (Prov 8:17).  She has in her power, the riches, the glory, the abundance in order to enrich those who offer their hearts, this is to those who come to her with true devotion and confidence.

RESPONSORY                                                                                          Rm 12:2; Eph 4:23
R/.: Transform yourself through the renewal of the mind, *so that you may know how to discern the will of God, what is good, what pleases Him and what is perfect. Alleluia.
V/.: Renew yourselves in the mind and spirit and clothe yourselves with the new human condition. *So that you... 

From the Project of the Constitutions of the Sisters by Saint Francis Coll, priest.
(Francisco Coll, ed. J. M. De Garganta, Valencia, 1976, pp. 445-451)
Be certain that this Congregation is the work of Mary

As we are the images of God and member of the same body we must love one other mutually in order to realise that is prescribe by the Lord: This is my commandment, love one another as I have loved you (Jn 15:12). That is why, never leave a space for any form of rancor, bear all defects mutually, always think well of all because he who possesses charity does not think evil of his brother (1 Cor 13:5).  Possess all the sentiments as ordered by the Apostle (Phil 2:5) and as the first Christians, everyone together should not have except one spirit and one heart (Acts 4:32). Thus in possessing unity among you, Christ shall be in your midst. And if it is not so, then be sure that the devil is in your house with special power.

Prefer the virtues to the sciences and all the rest, seeking first the kingdom of God and its justice (Lk 12:31). Greatly exercise humility because this is the foundation of all perfection.  Of all he gifts you possess, may you give thanks to God because everything comes from Him. Manifest them always in acts of humility since without this virtue God shall resist you and take away his grace from you as he had warned us through Saint Peter (1 Peter 5:5).

Silence, according to all the saint is the faithful guardian of the spirit and because of this, the Apostle James says that "religion is vain if the tongue is not controlled (Jas 1:26). Bear in mind what our divine Savior had said that whatever useless word which man would say they have to give account of it in the day of judgment (Mt 12:36). With God our Lord speak much and with people, less, and this little speech be very edifying, in imitation of our Father Saint Dominic who only speak of God or with God, if only out of necessity or usefulness.

You shall have another prayer of greater importance, which shall be to recite the three parts of the holy rosary with all the possible attention; this can be divided in seven parts was it was the divine office. This shall be your holy office, the memorial which you shall present each day to God our Father through the hands of Mary most holy her most loving mother. Do you doubt in a moment if you would obtain the graces which you need? Whether it is for the good of the soul or for the good of the body or also in order to augment the glory of God, of Mary and for the good of neighbour? Do you doubt that reciting the holy rosary with utmost devotion, you shall reach or not the propagation, growth and extension of your congregation in order to give glory to Jesus and Mary and to help it to save souls? Flee, flee this fear from your hearts! Do not doubt, be certain that this congregation is the work of Mary, yes, yes do not have the least doubt that Mary of the Rosary had placed it under her shadow, protection and shelter from the holy rose tree.

If it was possible for me to give reasons for my principles, in order to assure you of what I say, nobody would say another thing, but this is the work of the Mary, that most holy one of the rosary; but already you speak of works.  Continue your prayers of the holy rosary and be certain that if till today it had given admirable fruits for the glory of God and for the good of souls, much more abundant shall it be starting today.    

RESPONSORY:                                                                                                  Lk 1:42-28
R/.: There is nobody like you, Virgin Mary, among the daughters of Jerusalem: You are the mother of the King of Kings, you are the Lady of the angels. You are the queen of heaven. *Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. Alleluia.
V/.: Rejoice full of grace, the Lord is with you. *Blessed are you among women...

Benedictus  ant.: He carried authentic doctrine on his mouth, and his lips was devoid of malice; he behaved before Me with integrity and righteousness, and led many away from sin.  Alleluia.
Or (especially if it is chanted)
I am the handmaid of the Lord, be it done to me according to your word. Alleluia.

O God, You chose our brother Saint Francis Coll, to proclaim the name of Your Son and form the Christian people in piety. Grant us we pray, that through his intercession, your people may grow and be constantly renewed in the true faith through the ministry of preaching. We ask this through Christ our Lord, your Son who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen.

Magnificat ant.:  Francis appeared as a fiery prophet, whose words were like brazen furnace; with the Word of the Lord, he evangelized many and his spirit continues to live among his daughters. Alleluia.

Or (especially if it is chanted)
Father, I want that where I am, my servant will also be there. Alleluia.

As in morning prayer.


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