proper of the Saint Francis Coll 19 May

May 19
Friar and Priest
Common of Pastors or Common of Holy Men: For Religious

Francis was born in Gombreny in Catalonia, northeastern Spain  in 1812, the tenth and last son of a wool carder. Staying in that district, he taught boys the rudiments of schooling. In 1830, he received the habit of the Order at Gerona, and there was promoted to the diaconate after professing solemn vows. He was forced to live away from the convent after 1835, but his Dominican profession never wavered and was cultivated more intensely. With the approval of his superiors, he was raised to the priesthood under the title of poverty in 1836, and was assigned to the parochial ministry. Afterwards he gave himself completely to itinerant preaching with apostolic zeal. Working for and with the lay members of the Order, he instituted a regular congregation of sisters for the education of the young, dedicated to the Annunciation. He died in Vich, after becoming blind, on 2 April 1875. He was solemnly beatified by Pope John Paul II on 29 April 1979 and was canonized by Benedict XVI on October 12, 2009.

Entrance Antiphon                                                                                                         (Is 52:7)
How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the man who brings tidings of peace, joy and salvation.

God of all truth, you chose Saint Francis Coll to make known the name of your Son and to instruct Christian people in holiness. By the help of his prayers may the true faith be continually sustained and grow through the ministry of preaching. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

Prayer over the Offerings
O Lord, pour your blessings on the gifts we offer in memory of Saint Francis Coll, so that we may be worthy of your mercy, the forgiveness of our sins and the abundance of the heavenly gifts. Through Christ our Lord.

Communion Antiphon                                                                                          (Mt 10,21)
I am the light of the world, says the Lord; the man who follows me will have the light of life. Alleluia.

Prayer after communion
Lord, through the sacrament which we have received as we celebrate the feast of Saint Francis Coll grant us life and by the example of his apostolic zeal move us to grow in grace and holiness each day. Through Christ our Lord.


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